I thought I would list the books that I have received for review on a weekly basis. I have my own reading schedule, but if readers wanted me to review a book sooner rather than later I may do your bidding.

Alice in Zombieland – This is from Harlequin Teen and will be my first review for that company. I barely remember Alice in Wonderland and I am not reading any other reviews about this one to give me a clean as possible reading.

Next is Elspeth Cooper’s Trinity Rising , the second in her Wild Hunt series. Her first book showed promise but this one will probably be bumped by some others.

From self publishing quarters is Hal Junior- The Missing Case by Aussie author Simon Haynes. It’s a kids book but I enjoyed the first and expect that this will be good as well. Simon writes scientifically literate sci-fi for kids with this series.

Darren Shan’s Lady of The Shades is a “dark supernatural thriller” I am hoping that the writing is good enough to overcome scepticism when it comes to things like supernatural horror.

Bitter Seeds by Ian Tregellis looks interesting with “English warlocks battling Nazi psychics” and has some cover quotes from Cory Doctorow and G.R.R. Martin.
Exile and The Price of Fame from Rowena Cory Daniells. The first is going to be a pure comfort to read and the second is going to be a surprise delight I think with Rowena trying her hand at


Total Recall - What is real? – A release of Philip K Dick’s shorty stories, including We can remember it for you wholesale that spawned the two Total recall films. It has a forward by Thomas Disch
Oh and slipping in on the end, Pyrotechnicon from Coeur de Lion.
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