In this Episode the
Galactic Suburbanites Hugo & Ditmar nominated Galactic Suburbanites cover the Ditmar shortlist which features quite a lot of Tansy in both the Professional and Fan Categories. Indeed this year’s Ditmars feature projects by all three of the show’s hosts.
There’s also mention of Deb Biancotti making the Shirley Jackson shortlist for a work that’s being considered for both a Ditmar and an Aurealis award. It’s always good to see different awards structures come to the same conclusion.
There was also a good discussion on writers or creatives changing direction or mediums and how they can be damned if the do and damned if they don’t. Case in point Stephenie Meyer who’d be labelled as a one trick pony if she stayed writing vampire fiction and labelled as a failure when she moves into making movies.
As always, worth a listen.
As always you can download here (about 30 mb) or stream from the thingywhatsit below
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