Despite having books to review on my list I have made it to the library three times this week. First up is my continued audio feast of Lovecraft read by Wayne June. I am up to the fourth volume. The Dark Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft, Volume 4
Good solid, weird, wordy fiction, though I note we have drifted away from the sea and Cthulhu cults in this volume.
Next was Tara Moss' Blood Countess. I was really looking forward to this book considering Tara Moss' love of gothic horror and all the buzz surrounding it. I ended up being disappointed and annoyed with the main character. I might write a lengthy review of this one if I get the time. Sufficed to say I was wary of reading another of her books after this. I actually favour Twilight as better paranormal fiction.
So wanting to give Ms Moss the benefit of the doubt I picked up one of the books from her Mak Vanderwall crime series. Hit is i think her third book and though it seemed to be heavily inspired by Tara's own life I found the writing to be much better.
Library Loot November 17 to 23 - Lovecraft and Tara Moss