Jodi Cleghorn and Adam Byatt have got a post-it note poetry thang going on for the month of February.
So yes, poor reader, I am going to inflict bad poetry on you. The rules are that it must fit on a post it note and ability and skill are optional.
Unfortunately I have no post-its at my disposal so you’ll just have to imagine my underdeveloped handwriting on paper and make do with the pixels.
So here’s my first, get your rotten tomatoes ready.
A hint of smoke
wafting on gentle breeze.
Gum and wattle share a funeral pyre.
My Apologies.
FYI – Time taken to construct 5 minutes arranging words, 10 minutes thinking about them while hanging the first load of washing.
EDIT: Post it and penwork provided by Jodi Cleghorn
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adampb 35p · 631 weeks ago
Adam B @revhappiness
SB Wright 110p · 631 weeks ago
My recent post Post-it note poetry–Burnt
wolfmama 41p · 631 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 631 weeks ago
My recent post Post-it note poetry–Burnt
raventracks 46p · 631 weeks ago
My recent post New On My iBookshelf
SB Wright 110p · 631 weeks ago
My recent post Post-it note poetry–Burnt
jodicleghorn 25p · 631 weeks ago
At the end of the day its about having fun.
And even here, stuck in a capital city we've had our fair share of firey smells this summer. To go with the mouldering smell of rotting mud in the sun!
SB Wright 110p · 631 weeks ago
I was doinf some more reading on the "inventor" of the American Cinquain - Adelaide Crapsey. Died age 36, but had penned a number of technical books on the Metrics of the english language.
But yes I err on the side of what is fun and what sounds pleasing to my ear.