Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.
This week, one of the books I am reading is Lee Child's Persuader

. Now I don't mind the odd thriller, but its got to be believable, its got to be gritty. I recently tried reading Eric Van Lustbader's continuation of the Bourne Series and found it a bit forced. Not so with Lee Child. I did find the style a bit stilted to begin with a bit too much use of the short sentence but Child's a deft hand at keeping the action moving. Here' the first sentence of Persuader:
The cop climbed out of his car exactly four minutes before he got shot.Always nice to get straight to the action and this is a nice little foreshadowing of what's to follow. The reader knows that there's going to be action, people are going to die and the story is going to be gritty and the grit is going to be high resolution.