It houses upwards of 32,000 public domain items and is volunteer run offering text files for most of its works, as well as an increasing number of other digital formats.
Sadly I had not used it for my own reading until relatively recently.
The game changed
For me and I imagine others, the birth of the e-reader and formats that displayed digital text similar to that which people were used to in a paper version, marked a change in the use of this marvellous resource 2 and reading in general.
I don’t know many who have the patience to scroll through Animal Farm
Enter the E-reader and associated software
It’s now possible to read free e-book classics or purchase new titles and you don’t necessarily need an e-book reader to do it. While Amazon and Barnes & Noble (to name just two) have their specific e-readers anyone with a computer can enjoy reading an e-book.
Amazon provides Kindle for PC( and a number of other devices), ADOBE have Adobe Digital Editions and if you're are a little adventurous you can check out Calibre( which is a whole lot more than just e-book reading software). These interfaces enable you to take advantage of various e-book formats. While each piece of software has its quirks they generally allow you to:
- manage an e-book library,
- track your position in multiple books,
- make notation against the text
- search the text
Testing the waters without losing a kidney
Now while reading on a computer screen is not quite the same as reading from the new e-ink enabled readers. It gets you close enough to the functions of an e-reader to help you decide if reading digital formats is really you.
I am currently reading through my second e-book using Amazon’s Kindle for PC. Personally I was skeptical that I could maintain the patience to read off a computer screen for a long period of time. I have found it to be relatively easy though to adapt to reading using this software and have found its notes function invaluable when taking notes for a review.
In my next post in this series I'll take a closer look at e-reading software mentioned above.
1 According to this wikipedia article
2 I have looked but can find no stats on the usage of Gutenberg files to map to the release of e-readers
E-book adventures is my weekly series post outlining my exploration of the e-book format. See other posts here and join in the discussion.
Rachel 89p · 761 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 761 weeks ago
The positive for me is that I can read, great literature for free(I live 20km from a small rural library) and buy copies if when I can afford/find them.
I do have a dedicated library room (it's where I am sitting now) so I am hoping to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Marg · 761 weeks ago
Eventually I will get an e-reader. I am basically waiting for the next lot to be released here and then I will decide which one to get.
My recent post Library Loot- August 25 to 31
SB Wright 110p · 761 weeks ago
I turn off the internet when I read via kindle for PC, because I succumb to the very temptations you mention.