Some astute and attentive readers (hi Mum and Dad) may remember that I attended the Short Story course run by the wonderful Lisa L Hannett over the past fortnight.
Though the early mornings ( I had a three hour drive to the course) and the bad nights sleep due to excitement had me zombie-fied by the end of the day.
This Saturday gone was the last of the workshop days and really the business end of things. Lisa had the delightful task of critiquing seventeen short stories in the space of two weeks. While the rest of us were broken into groups and had to read and critique the 4 other members work.
I realised two things:
1) A writer really needs this sort of experience /methodology built into their writing.
2) There are some damn fine talented writers out there and some stories I want to see published.
My group consisted of people who had; previously had flash fiction published, had plays published and performed, were being mentored by a well known Australian novelist.
So no pressure right?
My story attracted some really good critiques from Lisa and the group and now I just have to glue my bum to the seat and get on with the task of really shaping this story into something that I will be proud of.
The other benefit was meeting likeminded people with diverse reading and life experience and making connections.
Thanks to the SA Writer’s Centre and Lisa Hannett for putting on the course.
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