Apr 7, 2012

Links that have me pondering for half a day

or possibly longer.

I blame Jonathan Strahan who signal boosted Catherynne M. Valente’s post which led to much goodness.

So Catherynne wrote a post:

Let Me Tell You About the Birds and the Bees: Gender and the Fallout Over Christopher Priest

If you are tired of the whole Priest debacle, the post is less about him and more about the community’s reaction to him and how, that if he was a woman, he’d have been threatened with violence and rape.

The comments are worth reading and the inevitably clueless man turns up and even been schooled by Cat and then Scalzi doesn’t seem to shift him.

Catherynne linked to Requires Only Hate by acrackedmoon as an example of a woman who is constantly on the receiving end of misogynistic hatred for her no hold bared takedowns of SF&F sacred cows.  Peter Watts called her a rabid animal.

I discovered a new term Neckbeard:

Neckbeard - Talkative, self-important nerdy men (usually age 30 and up) who, through an inability to properly decode social cues, mistake others' strained tolerance of their blather for evidence of their own charm.

Which had me in stiches, because it’s spot on.

acrackedmoon’s post Lord of Neckbeards – Tolkien rape/suicide/pedestal watch challenged me as a fan of Tolkien and gave me a new perspective.  It’s well worth a read. 

acrackedmoon then linked to  How to be a fan of problematic things which should help you come to terms with having your literary or genre darlings criticised.

Say goodbye to a couple of hours, if you follow the links.

More trumpet blowing from me:

I have been nominated to run in this years fan fund for the National Science Fiction Convention to be held in Melbourne.

If you appreciate the work that I do in Australian Speculative Fiction Fandom and you have a spare $5, you can vote for me here and help send me to the National Conference

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Oh, I just gave a right uber-neckbeard the dressing down of a lifetime the other week, unfortunately by mail. Right misogynistic jerk, had it coming, but I would have liked to have knocked on his door and blasted him, only he's prone to victim status (surprised?), is utterly deluded/deceptive (surprised?) and he lives across the road from a police station.

I wasn't going to walk into that one.

At any rate, I don't have to hear his pontificating about toilet-seat-half-up feminism, or how he's a sensitive lover that's gone to waste because women reject him, anymore. (Nor his odd opinions on SciFi for that matter).
My recent post Poetry Slam #002
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I am seeing it everywhere now, and boy don't the lads get their back up when you point out the misogyny in their language. I took a crack at some dickhead on teleread who called an author "that woman" knowing full well what her name was, because she had the temerity to complain that Amazon had fucked over her book release.

0pen season on misogynist neck beards eh?
The real reason people don't like acrackedmoon isn't because she's a female, it's because she actually is mean and rude to people on the internet. She will scream and yell at you if you dare disagree with you and thinks Asians who are born in other countries aren't "True Asians" like her.

I can give you a link:

Misogyny is a real problem on the Internet but Requires only that you Hate is the worst example to use since she intentionally trolls people.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
Thanks for commenting Tricia. I think its more likely both. She can be rude, abrupt, hateful, nasty and wrong but by virtue of being a woman, who really sticks her head out - she cops misogynistic hatred.

Misogyny is misogyny, no woman is deserving of it. So I think Cat's use of her as an example is a good one because it gets us to examine the notion of whether or not misogyny is deserved in some circumstances or not (it isn't).

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