What is this Twelve Planets? I hear you ask.
The Twelve Planets are 12 collections by some of Australia’s finest short story writers. They will vary in genre and style but each will contain
- four short stories
- a unique glimpse into worlds fashioned by some of our favourite storytellers.
So who are we talking about?
The 12 authors are
- Margo Lanagan,
- Lucy Sussex,
- Rosaleen Love,
- Tansy Rayner Roberts,
- Deborah Biancotti,
- Kaaron Warren,
- Cat Sparks,
- Sue Isle,
- Kirstyn McDermott,
- Narrelle M Harris,
- Thoraiya Dyer,
- Stephanie Campisi.
Who's up first?
The release of the collection will be spread out over two years but up first we have
- Nightsiders by Sue Isle (March),
- Love and Romanpunk by Tansy Rayner Roberts (May) and
- Title 'TBA' by Lucy Sussex (July)
Now I am a bit of fan of Tansy. I absolutely loved her novella Siren Beat and have been won over by her tale of seamstress turned demigod Velody in her fantasy novel called Power and Majesty. I can't wait to see what she's done with "Romanpunk".
You can check out Twelfth Planet Press here. I heartily recommend them.
Marg · 737 weeks ago
My recent post Mailbox Monday- January acquisitions
SB Wright 110p · 737 weeks ago