
Jan 23, 2011

Twelfth Planet Press · Twelve Planets Announcement

Peeps with the finger on the Australian Speculative fiction pulse will already have heard about Twelfth Planet Press' recent announcement.  The release of  Twelve Planets  

What is this Twelve Planets? I hear you ask.

The Twelve Planets are 12 collections by some of Australia’s finest short story writers. They will vary in genre and style but each will contain

  •  four short stories 
  •  a unique glimpse into worlds fashioned by some of our favourite storytellers. 
Some collections will feature linked stories. Others will demonstrate the writes breadth of style and skill.

So who are we talking about?

The 12 authors are

Who's up first?
The release of the collection will be spread out over two years but up first we have 
  1. Nightsiders by Sue Isle (March), 
  2. Love and Romanpunk by Tansy Rayner Roberts (May) and
  3. Title 'TBA' by Lucy Sussex (July)
Now I am a bit of fan of Tansy.  I absolutely loved her novella Siren Beat and have been won over by her tale of seamstress turned demigod Velody in her fantasy novel called Power and Majesty.  I can't wait to see what she's done with "Romanpunk".


You can check out Twelfth Planet Press here.  I heartily recommend them.