I am an old time gamer. I have somewhere the 1st edition of Warhammer 40K, I have legions of plastic and pewter soldiers sitting in the garage which will probably outlive me and the apocalypse. So I should not have been surprised by what’s on offer from the French company behind Raging Heroes. To be fair they are hardly alone in what they depict. But let us entertain for a second the possibility that the idea behind a kick starter aiming to provide you with 3 all female 28 mm armies is to redress the gender imbalance in tabletop gaming.
Did you manage it?
I offer you:
So ok the crafting of the miniatures is top notch. But the appeal is to the 14 year old male gamer (and those still 14 at heart). It would be nice to see a woman wielding a chain gun with more than a singlet on. Below are some pictures of women in combat gear, notice the distinct lack of breastplates showing an outward indication of the wearer’s gender. Notice how from a distance you would be hard pressed to see the lace corsets the are obviously hiding under those fatigues.
How about some gaming companies start leading by example and stop playing to the masturbatory fantasies of young teens and older men who should know better.
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@dreadpiratemick · 613 weeks ago
On the point you've raised, I remember a friend had a couple of units of plastic 40k Cadians who - fluff-wise - were seconded from an all-female battallion. All it really took was some minor conversions on the officers, since - as per real life - a female Cadian trooper in full carapace armour and combat kit is pretty much indistinguishable from a male Cadian in the same gear.
The most recent release of 40k Battle Sisters (2003, I think, which highlights GW's complete lack of support for this army) minis are pretty great, too. The boob-plates are still there, but they've been minimised somewhat.
SB Wright 110p · 613 weeks ago
Yes I looked at Sisters of battle and then found the boob plates.
@dreadpiratemick · 613 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 613 weeks ago
wolfmama 41p · 613 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 613 weeks ago
wolfmama 41p · 613 weeks ago
My recent post Bloody Parchment author interview
SB Wright 110p · 613 weeks ago