Readers who have been with me for a year will know that I have been participating in the Australian Women Writers Challenge for 2012. I will be doing so again in 2013 – you can sign up here if you would like to challenge your reading habits and participate.
I really encourage blokes to join up. Even if you think you have a fairly balanced reading diet gender wise. In my experience the perception usually doesn’t quite match up to reality, we all like to think that we are modern blokes, behind equality etc.
I especially extend the challenge to those blokes who think that they don’t want to read books by women, by virtue of their gender alone, as well as men who think they read quality regardless of gender. I think you’ll be plenty surprised.
But to the purpose of the post - Participants in the Challenge or readers who read some books by Australian women this year please go to this post at the Australian Women Writers blog to participate in a survey that will be presented to Bookseller and Publisher magazine.
What impact has AWW had in 2012? « Australian Women Writers Challenge
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Page_Turners 87p · 640 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 640 weeks ago