Sep 24, 2010

A Book Abandoned - Bernard Cornwall's Rebel

Must finish book
I don't like not finishing a book.  I don't know if this is the result of good reading habits instilled at a young age or something peculiar to me.  The same goes for movies - I must finish the story unless it is spectacularly bad or boring.

So it is with a heavy heart that I abandoned  Rebel by Bernard Cornwell.  I had heard rave reviews about some of his other historical fictions but Rebel, a civil war story set in America lost any hold it had on me after 100 pages.

Niggling idiosyncrasies 
I wonder if it was one, or two of the small things that put me off. I small quirk of Cornwell's writing that got under my skin and began the rot of dissatisfaction.

The first thing that I noticed was Cornwell's habit of specifically naming places.  It was as if he was pointing out that he had done his research, he could tell you want particular business was on that particular street, at that time in history.  Perhaps I am being unfair, but the level of detail annoyed me and didn't, I think, contribute to the story.

Another niggle was his reference to "the Negro Teamster" why for the life of me he couldn't refer to him as the black teamster.  The book was written in the late 1990's.  Was Cornwell again trying to evoke a certain flavour?

In any case it was a thorn in my side.

Action then boredom
The book started well enough.  The protagonist is caught be a mob and is about to be tarred and feathered.  He is rescued in the nick of time but the reader is not.  No, we are left to watch the rest of the story unfold, slowly.

Have you abandoned any books? What were the reasons?

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I, like you, hate abandoning books. I believe that when you start something, you finish it. So often I will keep reading a bad book, just because I have started it and need to finish it.

There have been a few occasions I have given up though.. I have tried to read 'Jude the Obscure' by Hardy twice. Both times I lost interest to the point where I couldn't keep reading. This is a shame because I have a feeling that it is a good book, but there is a dull part that I just need to get over. I will try again, one more time, one day.

Another book I abandoned (with the intention of trying again later) was Lord Foul's Bane. The main character just spent so much time whinging about being a leper. Ok, I get it.. you have leprosy and it sucks but man up! Shut up! aarrggg lol It just irritated me.
My recent post Let the Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist
1 reply · active 755 weeks ago
Just picked up two hardy books yesterday, here's hoping that I can get through them.

As for Lord fouls bane, it was another that I abandoned for much the same reason, couldn't stand the main character. :)
I really struggle to give up books with no intention of ever picking them up again. There are plenty of books that I have put down meaning to keep on reading at some point, but haven't!

I know there are plenty of people out there who say life is too short to read bad books, but the fact is I wouldn't have put it on my list to read if I didn't think there was something about them that I would like, and so it could be that it another 5, or 10, or 50 pages, the book will get better!

One that I did give up on is Carpentaria by Alexis Wright - so hard to read. Someone then said to me, oh it got much better once you got past that part! Grrrr!
My recent post Books of a Lifetime
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
There are plenty of books that I have put down meaning to keep on reading at some point, but haven't!

I have a lot of non-fiction books that are in my still being read maybe pile :) .

I was really looking forward to reading a modern take on the American Civil war after reading Crane's Red Badge of Courage, even this extra impetus didn't help though
I was forced to read one of Tim Winton's books in year 11. I haven't been near him since, though I have bought Dirt Music for a friend.

It was interesting that the negro teamster comment really got under my skin - doesn't sound nearly as bad as the book you are referencing though.

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