I managed to borrow Dreaming Again Edited by Jack Dann through interlibrary loan.
I probably won’t get through all the stories before I have to return it but just wanted to say that I am somewhat blown away by the collection. I have just been randomly dipping into stories before I go to bed of a night and I can’t say I have come across a story that I have felt “Meh!” about.
The collection was published in 2008 and was a follow up to the earlier (and now hard to find) Dreaming Down Under duology that received critical acclaim.
I will be hunting for the book in Brisbane when I travel up for Supanova, so if any readers know of good second hand stores in Brisbane that specialise in Speculative fiction, let me know.
(Edit: As I was checking out the amazon links for the books mentioned above I noticed that Amazon have slashed the price on Dreaming Again – picked it up for $13.00 Aud delivered – click here to purchase)
Stories read so far:
Nightship by Kim Westwood – On the recommendation of Ian Mond from Writer and the Critic. A bleak future Australia, with some interesting twists on culture and gender.
The Last Great House of Isla Tortuga by Peter M. Ball – Gothic horror meets Pirates of the Caribbean. While I am a fan of Peter’s Twelfth Planet Press releases, the writing in this short blew me out of the water.
The Jacaranda Wife by Angela Slatter - An Australian fairy tale. It’s Australian colonial with echoes of the myths and legends of the old country.
Smoking, Waiting for the Dawn by Jason Nahrung – Brilliant hunting story that mixes very Australian tradition of Commissions to eradicate certain feral species with vampires.
The Fifth Star in the Southern Cross by Margo Lanagan – Just started this one and like most Lanagan short stories, it’s disturbing me (but in a good way).
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Page_Turners 87p · 699 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 699 weeks ago