Somehow this one snuck past me. But it’s true, Showtime, the next book in the Twelve Planets series is on sale now in paperback form with eBook versions undoubtedly on their way.
If you are tired of sparkly vampires then I have it on good authority that this collection will have something for you.
The Jacket Copy
Family drama can be found anywhere: in kitchens, in cafes. Derelict hotels, showground rides. Even dungeons far below ruined Hungarian castles. (Okay, especially in Hungarian dungeons.)
Old family fights can go on forever, especially if you’re undead. If an opportunity came to save someone else’s family, the way you couldn’t save your own, would you take it?
Your family might include ghosts, or zombies, or vampires. Maybe they just have allergies. Nobody’s perfect.
Family history can weigh on the present like a stone. But the thing about families is, you can’t escape them. Not ever. And mostly, you don’t want to.
If you are interested in more of Narrelle Harris’ work, check out her web site here.
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Marg · 678 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 678 weeks ago
Marg · 678 weeks ago
Are you definitley coming to continuum? I am thinking about going but wasn't sure how many people I would know
My recent post Sunday Salon: A childhood favourite....kind of
SB Wright 110p · 678 weeks ago
I am applying for NAFF funding. That would make it a certainty, otherwise its a wait and see how much work I get.