
Jan 22, 2013

Mourning Cloak released

mourning-cloak_webRabia Gale has released her new 22,000 word novella, Mourning Cloak.  I came across Rabia last year through Australia’s own Jo Anderton, who works closely with her as a beta reader and a collaborating writer.

Rabia has a broad range of writing from reimagined fairy tales to science fiction and fantasy.  She’s one of those largely undiscovered self published gems.

I have reviewed he works Shattered: Broken Fairy Tales and Rainbird.

I purchased Mourning Cloak without a shadow of a doubt that I will get very good value for money.

If you are interested you should sign up for her Newsletter too as she provides list members only access to short stories and discounts for her other works.

Y0u can find her at her website and sometimes on twitter.

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