This is the second issue put out by the team at ISF, issue 0 was released in June and I somehow missed it.
So issue 1 features fiction from Joyce Chng, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, and a translated work by Marian Truta.
There’s a reprint of a Stenislaw Lem essay on Phillip K Dick and some great cover art by Rafael Mendes.
ISF comes in pdf format, is 32 pages long and free. I’d happily pay for epub version though as reading the pdf on my laptop screen is not optimal.
Chng’s Metal Can Lanterns, was a great twist on honouring traditions, and on the naturally subversive and subtly challenging nature of young children.
Loenen-Ruiz’s,59 Beads, was an enthralling piece about sacrifices made for families, and the unseen cost of that sacrifice.
All in all it was a nice powerful little package of International speculative fiction. I recommend you check them out at
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Page_Turners 87p · 641 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 641 weeks ago