
Oct 26, 2012

Aurealis Subscriptions–Get one now, especially if you are an Aussie Writer

unclesamI have fond memories of Aurealis, back when it was a print magazine and one of those rare finds on my newsagent bookshelf in the early 90’s.  The digital revolution has happened and it now comes to our email inbox 10 months of the year, full of up to date news and new stories by Aussie authors.

Now I have been hanging out for them to sort out the subscriptions under the new digital production schedule and they have, with some interesting and positive outcomes for Australian Writers.

Aurealis are attempting to get 1000 subscribers by the end of 2013 which will:

  1. enable them to offer 5 cents a word for stories (pro rates)
  2. qualify them as a pro market which will then
  3. allow writers published in Aurealis to get publication credits towards membership of the SFWA

Additionally if you sign-up before the 30th of October (as I just have) you’ll get not only the 10 standard issues for 2013 but this years last issue as well.

How much you ask?

$19.99 but wait, there’s more

If you are some one who submits work to Aurealis, being a subscriber also gets your stories placed at the front of the Readers’ queue and fast-tracked.

How’s them apples?

Go here and sign-up now your country needs you.

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