yeah I said should.
First up, Tansy has a great article on Maeve Binchy, motherhood and writing. I for one can’t stand it when women and to a lesser extent men get looked on with pity for not having had the experience of raising a child. Tansy does a great job of pointing out the importance of valuing all life’s experiences, and being equally supportive of women who write and have babies and those who don’t.
Motherhood: the Ultimate Writing Accessory?
August 6th, 2012 at 23:08
The Frisky pointed to an article in the Telegraph by Amanda Craig about Maeve Binchy’s career, and the difference between women writers who are mothers and those who are not.
At first, coming in on a wave of The Frisky’s outrage, I thought it wasn’t as bad as I had expected. After all, it did acknowledge a whole bunch of pros and cons for juggling writing and motherhood, and seemed to be balanced. But the more I read, the less balanced it seemed.[read on]
Then there’s Scalzi on being how not to be a creep at a convention. Now I am not sure of the success of this sort of post, outside of us all nodding our heads in agreement and saying “hear, hear”. You see I am not sure that the clueless, socially inept harasser is self aware enough to read this sort of post and neither perhaps is the selfish, self centred harasser likely to care.
I think perhaps the more successful tactic is to make it harder for predators to select victims by building confidence and awareness within our community. But still read it. I have not made up my mind.
An Incomplete Guide to Not Creeping
The last couple of months have been a really interesting time for geekdom, as its had its face rubbed in the fact that there are a lot of creepy assbags among its number, and that geekdom is not always the most welcoming of places for women. Along that line, this e-mail from a con-going guy popped into my queue a few days ago:
“Any tips on how not to be a creeper? I try not to be, but I don’t know that I’m the best judge of that.”
Let’s define our terms here. Let’s say that for this particular conversation, a “creeper” is someone whose behavior towards someone else makes that other person uncomfortable at least and may possibly make them feel unsafe.[read on]
and finally check out Visibility Fiction:
Visibility Fiction is dedicated to the promotion and publication of inclusive young adult fiction – specifically fiction with protagonists from groups with limited visibility in popular culture. Such marginalised groups include, but need not be limited to, lesbian, bisexual, gay, transsexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people, people from racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. [read on]
Now that’s all. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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