
Apr 10, 2012

Have you Ditmared yet?

By which I mean have you nominated your favourite, novels, short stories and critical works, fan publications?  Well you have until Sunday to do so.


My plan was to do a few more Ditmar posts in order to raise the profile of some excellent people and publications, because one of the biggest excuses people offer for not nominating is lack of knowledge in the field. 

That being said, no one on the face of the planet could have enough knowledge of the field of eligible nominees to be able to give a comprehensive assessment on their own.

We need to rely on the wisdom of the crowd so to speak, a cacophony of voices and opinions. 

Participate it’s free.

antiAnd in this post I would like to present Antipodean SF entered in the Best Fan Publication section. 

Antipodean SF is an online resource housing fiction, reviews and news on Speculative Fiction down under.  It releases one issue a month at and past issues can be accessed via the National Library of Australia Archive here.

The current issue includes works of fiction, reviews and a link to their audio casts.

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