
Apr 20, 2012

Galactic Chat interviews Kate Forsyth

GCLogoThe latest Galactic Chat is up featuring the wonderful Kate Forsyth.  Below are the show notes:

Sean interviews best selling and award-winning author of more than twenty books, Kate Forsyth,. They discuss Kate's latest book Bitter Greens - a wonderful book mixing the historical with the fantastic.  A retelling of the Rapunzel story, Bitter Greens gives life to the memory of Charlotte-rose de la Force, Rapunzel's original author, who has until now been largely lost to history.  The discussion also covers the sanitizing of fairy tales for modern audiences and the resurgence of the original darker tales.

Kate can be found at her website and sometimes on Twitter.

You can download the show here or stream from the embedded player below.



And while you are at it, why not check out the rest of the Galactic Chat range coming to you at the very reasonable price of nothing but our blood sweat and tears.


Only 2 days of my relentless panhandling left

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