Midnight Echo is the official magazine of the Australian Horror Writers Association of Australia.
Issue 6 features an all South Australia editorial team1 in David Kernot (editor of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine), Jason Fischer (Writers of the Future winner and Aurealis nominee), and David Conyers (author of The Eye of Infinity, The Spiraling Worm and co-editor of Cthulhu Unbound 3)
All the stories in this issue are science fictional in nature
What do you get for $1.99
Nine stories and two interviews, or 171 pages of science fictional horror 2 from from well known names in Australian Speculative fiction. Issue 6 features stories from Cat Sparks, Alan Baxter, Helen Stubbs and Joanne Anderton just to name some familiar Tweeters.
Back Issues
Check out the website here where you an also order back issues.
The is also a limited print run put out each issue you can go here to find the print version of the latest issue.
1. Each issue features a different team↩
2. At this stage I am only going off the media release as their Checkout system requires manual approval ie I haven’t been able to download the purchase yet Strike that, there was an issue with me not getting the links in an email, it should be automated. The 171 pages is according to my Sony reader software.↩
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Sue Bursztynski · 685 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 685 weeks ago