
Dec 7, 2011

Tassie Devil Charity Auction

images (5)Authors Kate Gordon (who I have reviewed here) and Christina Booth are holding a charity auction to raise money to help combat  “Devil Facial Tumour Disease”. 

The link for their Auction site is here

The items being auctioned are:

  1. A signed copy of Thyla
  2. A signed copy of the very first hot-off-the-press Vulpi (the sequel to Thyla) – read it before anyone else does!
  3. A signed very rare hardback copy of Christina Booth’s acclaimed picture book, Potato Music
  4. A manuscript assessment of the first thirty pages of a Young Adult Novel, compiled by me!
  5. And the most wonderful prize of all, an original illustration from Christina’s beautiful Tasmanian Devil book, Purinina.

Please consider bidding.

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