
Oct 13, 2010

Library Loot October 13 - 19 Windfall

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. 

And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

I had a bit of a windfall this week.  My local bricks and mortar library was stocktaking and I happened to find a hardback copy of Stephen King's Rose Madder for less than a dollar.

Rose Madder

My next bit of good news was the receipt of my membership card from the Brisbane/Yarra Plenty download collection.  You will note that I live nowhere near either of these two places, but they were kind enough to let me join.

So I have downloaded two epub titles and transfered them to my reader, they are

Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction (Writing Handbooks S.)


'Salem's Lot

in preparation for my reading tour of the Vampire myth.

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I'll be interested to hear how borrowing ebooks from the library works for you!
My recent post Deweys Readathon- The Wrap-up
1 reply · active 752 weeks ago
Really well seamless in fact. Download that opens a an ascm file in adobe digital editions, pops up in the borrowed category with the time limit on it. Transfer to the reader and the sony diplays a little timer as well.
Noice (!) loot, there Sean. I haven't read Rose Madder, so I'll be interested to see what you think.

Glad you've joined the Loot... and thanks for the Konrath & Scott Nicholson intros. Scott Nicholson actually sent me a free ebook! I'm stoked!
1 reply · active 752 weeks ago
I have had an aversion to Stephen King for a long time. Rose Madder is good, shockingly good - waiting, expecting to be dissapointed, but not so far.

I only jut browsed through Scott's books yesterday. More reading. I got sent a review copy of Dracula's which I will be writing and putting up tomorrow in preparation for their worldwide release.

What I love about these ebook authors is the lack of DRM and lack of geo restriction so I can buy via amazon and convert to epub, or some of them even offer multiple formats
thats awesome your libraries offer ebook lending! no more wait lists of books on hold!
1 reply · active 752 weeks ago
Hi Lusty Reader,

Funny thing is that the library is located in anther state, over 2000 km away. I thought they might restrict members to residents of that state. I am grateful they haven't. In South Australia they haven't yet started doing e-lending though I think it might be on the horizon.
Salem's Lot is one of the few Stephen King novels I have read. Even then, it was ages ago and I barely remember the premise. How embarrassing.

Enjoy your books!
My recent post Library Loot XXVIII
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I'll do a review and jog your memory :)
My book club read Salem's Lot last year, I really liked it! None of those sparkling or sexy vamps here...pure evil as nature intended! :)
My recent post Lots-o-books!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
It's a bit slow going after the splatterpunk of Dracula's but I really am growing to like it when I can find time away from study to read it.

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