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Their goals are to offer an open door to new and emerging Australian SF/F writers, provide high-quality stories outside the mundane mainstream, and increase the appeal of ebooks through wide distribution, ease of access (no DRM), and reasonable prices.
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Ticonderoga Publications is an Australian
independent publishing house founded by Russell B. Farr in 1996.
The publisher specialises in collections of science fiction, fantasy and horror short stories. Between 1996 and 1999, Ticonderoga Press published collections by Steven Utley, Sean Williams, Stephen Dedman and Simon Brown.
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Morrigan Books is an independent press company, dedicated to furthering the work of writers and editors working within the field of dark fiction. Not an Australian company but very supportive of australian speculative fiction authors. Particularly those writing dark fiction.
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The creation of Australian editor Tehani Wessely, FableCroft has a charter to promote new and established authors and artists in the speculative fiction field, as well as the broad genre as a whole.
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Really Blue Books is an independent fiction and non-fiction epublisher located in Melbourne. They aim to discover fress talent and deliver new material in multiple formats. They are anti-Digital Rights Management (DRM).
Really Blue Books acts as both an epublisher and online distributor. They have ebooks available for purchase from their website and from third party distributors.
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Ford Street is a successful small independent Australian publisher of books for children and young adults. We publish around eight titles a year, ranging from picture books through to novels and non-fiction for older readers. Ford Street’s publisher is renowned Australian author, Paul Collins, who has written extensively for both the local and international markets.
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Dragonfall Press are another small book publisher based in Perth, Western Australia, specialising in fantasy and science fiction.
They aim to discover and promote Australian and New Zealand authors. Commencing in 2010, they hope to release four or five books a year.
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Clan Destine Press publish a range of cross-genre works, from the serious to the comedic, from heroic to dark and gritty. Their authors are Australian and they pursue fiction that is diverse and inclusive. They have a particular aim to uncover, foster and promote new Australian genre writers and to provide a place for published authors to explore new directions.
Sue Bursztynski · 674 weeks ago
My recent post Catchup(or Captcha up?)
SB Wright 110p · 674 weeks ago
niadu 1p · 672 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 672 weeks ago
carolyncordon 29p · 528 weeks ago
robert eggleton · 508 weeks ago
SB Wright 110p · 508 weeks ago